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Agile Manifesto

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The Agile Manifesto represents a revolution in the world of software development by focusing on flexibility, collaboration and customers. The document, which emerged from a meeting of visionary individuals in 2001, has laid the foundations for a new approach to building software. One might even argue that the entire phenomenon of Agile working originated from this.

What is the Agile Manifesto?

The Agile Manifesto is a concise statement that sets out four fundamental values and twelve principles for creating efficient and valuable software. These values and principles promote a flexible approach where the needs of customers and the ability to quickly respond to changes are central.

Four core values

  1. Individuals and their interactions over processes and tools.
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation.
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
  4. Responding to change over following a plan.

Twelve principles

The principles, ranging from welcoming changes to continuous reflection and improvement, form the backbone of the Agile approach. Here are some principles:

  • Customer satisfaction through continuous delivery of valuable software.
  • Welcoming changes, even late in the process, to gain a competitive advantage.
  • Delivering working software frequently.
  • Collaboration between developers and business stakeholders throughout the project.
  • Creating an environment in which motivated individuals get the support they need.

Why is the Agile Manifesto important?

The Agile Manifesto has drastically changed the way software is developed. By encouraging teams to adapt to changing conditions, quickly incorporate feedback, and constantly strive for improvement. This approach has not only led to better products but also to greater customer satisfaction and job happiness among team members.

In essence, the Agile Manifesto has introduced a culture of collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement that has become crucial in modern ways of working. 

You can read the entire manifesto here.

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