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Here are my rates for 2024.

Agile coaching

The rate for my Agile coaching services is €142.50 per hour, excluding VAT and travel expenses.

Business Development

The rate for my Business Development coaching services is €125 per hour, excluding VAT and travel expenses.

Freelance Scrum Master

The rate for my Freelance Scrum Master services is €110 per hour, excluding VAT and travel expenses.

Freelance Product Owner

The rate for my Freelance Product Owner services is €110 per hour, excluding VAT and travel expenses.

Scrum training

I will communicate the rates for my new Scrum training later this year.

Travel Expenses

  • Travel time will be charged (50% of the hourly rate).
  • Traveled kilometers will be charged (€0.21 per kilometer).
  • Parking costs will be charged.

Terms (in brief)

  • Payment terms for invoices are 14 days.
  • Rates are valid until December 31, 2024.
  • The price indexing of my services is annual and is partly determined by inflation as calculated by CBS.

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Want to hire an Agile coach or freelance Scrum Master to strengthen your team(s)? Then book a no-obligation (virtual) introductory meeting to explore the possibilities.
Alex Vermeule

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Alex Vermeule, Scrum Master, Agile coach en Product Owner

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Alex Vermeule, Scrum Master, Agile coach en Product Owner